I am currently in the process of selling my house in suburbia. My interactions with the realtor have been decent, but have made me realize a few things, having never sold a house before. Like doctors and nurses and medics who injected people with poisons over these last years, the realtor sees themselves as a force for good, (in getting a high price for the house) when in fact they are serving a very similar role in society, that of 'pulling the trigger' in ways. I know this is a harsh assessment, but really, the 'blob' depends on the work and ignorance of everyday people to carry out the larger objectives, in this case of divvying up the entirety of the earth and holding others accountable. I hesitate to buy land, to set up a yurt as I plan to do, maybe I can seek out a different arrangement. There seems to be no guarantee to buying land anyway, it can be taxed and sold out from under you at any time for any reason by the ol' gov. Its a bad game.

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You are walking with your eyes open!

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Thank you so much for this article. It is illuminating. Not “just” about how the law manipulates populations, but about what law should be about. Put into well-known, but often ignored, Judeo-Christian terms: Moses wrote down the LAW in totally negative terms, then Amos, the “Prophet” came along and described “Justice — pouring down like a river and covering a parched land”. So many are still waiting for that drought to end. (I use these examples because they are well known, but frequently ignored) No insult is intended to any person. Thank you again.

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The more I read, the more my brain became frazzled, which I have long believed to be the real intent of legalese. We ordinary schmucks do not read the entirety of the 'terms and conditions.' We just click 'accept.' In other words, the concept of 'legality' is an artificial construct of 'civilization,' and should, therefore be erased from our species' vocabulary, allowing us to return to the ways we practiced for countless millennia before that infamous 'Dawn.'

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Peter, I meant no offense to you or your series. Since we are faced with all the shite you have so meticulously described to us, we need people who don't skip to the 'I accept' button. I just know that I don't have (never did) the capacity to be one of them.

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No worry. I got your point!

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i hear ya, John!

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Thanks for the series, Peter! Interesting trajectories that part3 highlights. With regard to "tracts of land"... the word "distract" is from "dis- away from + tract of land or water"...which, to me, sums up the direction away from Native consciousness and caring for the natural world and instead fixates consciousness and subsequent actions on divvying up land aka Mother Earth as property. Nowadays, i consider that masses of people are distracted by umpteen things because they do not consider the land and water first and foremost, and "air" can be added to the list.

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Indeed. The essentials!

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