Peter, I contacted you 2 years ago asking for your help, I very much understood your reply concerning your already congested agreements... lol More than three times I've mutually encountered you along my journey since and I thank you for the year you've given to be found at the important places it feels like I've dreamed of being where I defended things I hold dear in life...I've found you already there with an important thought it consideration you've already voiced and penned for peer review and authority... Thank you for your contrabutions. I feel that the original framers of the constitution clearly saw what others felt was a flaw... And planned accordingly. The beauty of the Constitution is that it can be amended. It is the fact that it can be thrown out which bind the whole to a promise to continue. Where we had to make a way for government and the Constitution to exist, WE THE PEOPLE can choose to return to, "We the People" ; THE RULE of LAW. We don't need an Article 5 to go back to what original is. Myself having an inherent DoD Secretary Cevilian Federal DoD Agency which is under federal oversight,.. Am also the Chief of the Wyandote federation majority of Free'd Tribes of the America's, The Wyandotte Nation the MI-SIA-GO-ME-GO-SIA BAND and The Wyandotte Nation, United States of America. Where neither candidate was a choice for America ..A place has been created for us to declare our selves 1 American and 1 Nation under the constitution and the tribes if the tribe accept civic duty and obligation... It's our responsibility.

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The constitution says congress will decide the time and place of election...we the people could choose last known good

... For a lack of better words...highest vote would go to the President, the runner up .. Vice President. Since both parties said these are their parties delegate....let the American trust in the election system. And spoils go to the most vote as declare the election for chief office.. And let the People's interests be guarded by need to work together and compromise to not find a way but to already have in place and system we can fine tune the political and equitable issues involved in returning to a Constitutionally expressed Promise of a Republican form of Government, a Just and Humane Lawful Court is assumed and required in Governance. Having read a proposal and offer Tendered timelessly by England and shown historically written to be Letters as Crown Patent within English law I have Shown Authenticated as Isle of Mann Holy orders shown to be inherent of the Isle of Mann. Having protected and preserved the Soveirn indigenous right since America's Existence at Pledge....unknown to the world, it's my belief from review of the evidence; the crown and the indiginouse tribes AND American People can Now decide who and what they are as a Nation and how they think that should be defined in law in their land not as a foreign national or imagrent migrant or duel citizen but as a American declare themselves to be One of the Ones in the Now Prefix of the American context of the CONTRACT. Where nothing exists after the fraud which compelled the necessity of the trading with the enemy acts of legislature concepts as manifests in Congress histories mascara ding was the atrue spects prescribed which were defined by Roosevelt of the ALIEN PROPERTY OFFICE and delegation and creation of 2 President offices.. where perception was the commodity...I am the Pledge to The AMERICAN and American United States of People. Understand this... It is that I have chained myself to the condition and swallowed the key as King Hurashio before... Which will keep me from being bound to act other chair.. Than the one HE CREATED.... Which has been handed to me by both letters patent pledging a crown organized duel American market lawful convertible metals land backed constitutional currency... At negotiable standards... More important is shown our international support of faith we need as a people... Of a guarantee of support in the face of hope.. Shown as Faith for hope to a Nation who needed time to find their way...

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I cannot help but think IT'S JUST PAPER, and the colonizer created a fear so hot, people just accepted domination.

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...'paper' ... the mesmerizing power of writing, books, etc.

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interesting, Trace, makes me think how paper has authority figure status, a tool of the state e.g. "your papers, please" (police-state checkpoints) and first thing police ask for on road is license, registration, insurance (papers), of course the most rampant - the bible, diploma on the wall, etc. There's some joke iirc about an East Indian guru type who's in a bank and they're asking for ID proof that it's him and he takes out a little mirror, looks at it and says, 'yup, that's me!'

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Many years ago, I was telling my mom about all the broken treaties, aka bad paper. She told me if they broke them, then they are not valid anymore. I told Paul DeMain at the Native newspaper where I worked and he gave me a funny look. But it is true, right?

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i guess in a practical sense, "not valid", though if there's still any legal recourse to them, don't know, but maybe Peter does. And two verses from song "Indian Wars" by Bruce Cockburn:

"It's not breech-loading rifles and wholesale slaughter

It's kickbacks and thugs and diverted water

Treaties get signed and the papers change hands

Ah, but they might as well draft these agreements in sand

Noble Savage on the cinema screen

An Indian's good when he cannot be seen

And the so-called white so-called race

Digs for itself a pit of disgrace"

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RE: 'broken': if one party to a contract / treaty violates its terms, the other party can accept this, sue for damages, revert to status quo ante... there are choices ...

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Thx for that.

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The constitution was written for the founding fathers only and it’s not going to save anyone.

The answer is self governance under natural law and the only jurisdiction that offers that is the jurisdiction created by the Treaty of universal community trust. This is how the entire peoples of the earth can unite in common unity.


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Talks for the comment and link. I’ll look into it.

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Peter, the post reminded of a book from 2005, "The Untied States of America: Polarization, Fracturing, and Our Future" by Juan Enriquez. And to show how biased stupid web-searches are, when i searched just the title, the links were info about "United States", but when i added "book" to the search, then it showed. So the algorithms or whatever assume a typo when it isn't necessarily so, as "Untied" is the title riff.

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algorithms are like 'auto-correct' = 'auto-corrupt' (I got that from @W.D. James) :-)

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good, er, bad one!:) Years ago i was looking for a photo of twilight to go with a haiku and the first pages of results for searching "twilight" were all about the vampire romance tv show.

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"as the stream cannot rise above its source, so there is no power above them" is akin to the Tao,

"The River and the Sea can be Kings

over a hundred valley-streams

because they are good at lying below them."

(which doesn't mean they don't tell truth :)


"The Great Benevolence is like water;

it benefits the myriad things, yet seeks to occupy the lowest places,

which are not wanted by the Egos of the people."


"When a society is composed of free, self-governing individuals,

the people are honest;

when there is a 'legalistic' government 'ruling' the people,

a true society is lacking."

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Peter, thank you for the kind mention and powerful essay. In the essays you mention, I had noted that US federalism represented an innovation whereby the Constitution was held to not be between the states one with another (a more strictly federalist understanding) but between 'the People' and the national government they were establishing. That seems central to your contention that only the whole 'People' of the United States, not the 'Peoples' of the states, contra J Davis, retain the sovereign right to amend the Constitution extra-constitutionally (correct me if I'm getting that wrong). I also think this is what the Founders meant to do (though folks like Patrick Henry and others were opposed to that understanding). I suppose this is a question of political ontology: if 'the People' are not constituted by the Constitution, but constitute it, does it not remain for the 'the People' to define who 'the People' are? I'm going in the direction of 'the People' of New York, say, deciding that the relevant 'People' who get to act extra-constitutionally are simply the People of New York. Locke had held that 'the People' not only retain the right to dissolve their government but also retain the right to dissolve (and reconstitute) themselves as a society (deeper than as a government). Your essay is the first time I've really seen the significance of that assertion by him. Is there any merit you think to the notion that the People can mix and match who is included in that formation of 'the People' itself which then leads to that People establishing a new government if they so choose?

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Yes... I actually also lean in the direction of J. Davis, but included Amar's parenthetical disagreement with him to be fair in quoting Amar. I think the bottom line is as you suggest: the People get to define who 'the People' are... The instability / indeterminacy of the definition is part of what it means to have an endless creative power, no?

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