Again Peter writes with clarity, importantly highlighting the totally horrific foundations of North American Indigenous law--how it developed and where Natives are pushing back. If the foundations of a dwelling are rotten or fragile, you can expect that building to one day fall.

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inversion - like what was done with “consent” actually means “we’ll do what the fuck we want regardless of your agreement” - is what the cults that rape Earth and her peoples do best. It is not nonsense - it dark magic in its plasticized public expression that somehow just sounds like playdough mixed with sweet tasting anti-freeze and has people in such a brain fog they can’t realize they’ve been black magiced.

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Example of putting the fraudulent value of reducing carbon ahead of real values of honoring treaties with Indigenous peoples and acknowledging ecological integrity, the land, the Cree way of life, and basic human decency.

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Unfortunately, even entering the court system means submission to the inflated authority of corporate (and likely corrupt) judges who will never find in favour of "justice" or "honour". Hope I am mistaken in this case...

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Thank you for the continuing education, Peter. Be well.

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Very disrespectful to First Nations. The data center sounds like a huge electricy gobbler in order to keep the servers cool.

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those electromagnetics will likely disturb and harm the wildlife as well as the people. Also the “gases” are concerning.

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Yes, so many reasons to not build it can be found. It's a really bad idea

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Thank you for raising awareness on this.

So, essentially, these corporate goons, wannabe big tech bros and this anthropocentric exploitative worldview driven Alberta Premier Danielle Smith wants to sacrifice the forests and sacred waters so that we can create more of these earth suffocating useless Mega-Data centers.

She wants to throw the First Nation and the integrity of the biosphere under the bus so humans can push forward with the transhumanist agenda ( https://horizons.service.canada.ca/en/2020/02/11/exploring-biodigital-convergence/ ) super charge more of these human intelligence diminishing chat bots (https://archive.org/details/chatbotsloweringhuman-iq ) and feed into the military industrial complex weaponizing AI to create more killer drones so the war racket can continue in perpetuity.

Yay "Sustainable Development"!

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Our nations need to uphold Sturgeon lake. I have been referring to #undripisalie for some time. At this time B.C. is hosting meeting AFN and bands who will be losing out to Trudeau assimilation plan referred to as 2.0 by Russell Diabo where discussions regarding ending the Indian act Will occur. Calling out for a repeal of the doctrine of discovery by our nations requiring our unification and support for Indigenous actions and movements that support one another.

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Key Studies Supporting Non-Thermal Biological Effects

National Toxicology Program (NTP) and Ramazzini Institute (RI) Studies

The NTP and RI studies are among the most influential research efforts highlighting the dangers of non-thermal EMF exposure. Conducted on rodent models, these studies found a significant increase in cancers, particularly brain and heart tumors, after prolonged exposure to low-intensity EMFs. These results echo concerns raised in the recent Danish cancer report, which showed an alarming 100% increase in specific cancers within a short timeframe.

The types of cancers identified in these studies—such as glioblastomas—mirror those that have claimed the lives of notable public figures, including John McCain, Ted Kennedy, and Beau Biden. This connection between high-profile cancer cases and the kinds of tumors linked to EMF exposure demands our attention, especially as our collective reliance on wireless technologies grows.

The Role of Calcium Channels and Oxidative Stress

well-established risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Given the role of mitochondria in cellular energy production and antioxidant defenses, the findings from the recent mitochondrial study suggest that long-term EMF exposure could exacerbate these conditions.

Cancer Risks: As shown in the NTP and RI studies, low-intensity EMF exposure has been associated with an increased risk of cancer, especially brain and heart cancers. The potential for EMFs to alter cellular signaling and DNA integrity without heating tissue presents a compelling case for re-evaluating safety standards, especially in light of the rapid increase in wireless technology usage.


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Interesting articles at Fractal Computing by Jay Valentine. He goes into depth about archaic data centers being asked for by corporates.


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