Ah, the contradictions inherent in Capitalism. In its beginnings, it represented a genuine expansion of 'rights' to those formerly constrained by the relations of feudalism. Now, property, including slaves, were turned into commodities in the service of the market. Thus the court rulings you report. Many believe we, at least in the USA, are entering into neo-feudal relations, as the rentier forces gain more influence, since we no longer actually produce anything other than the smoke and mirrors wealth of financialization.
Thanks for the info, Peter... most of which shows how such legal stuff is, to borrow a pun line from The Three Stooges, "Baron of Greymatter."
If corporations are people, we should be able to jail the entire organismation.
Ah, the contradictions inherent in Capitalism. In its beginnings, it represented a genuine expansion of 'rights' to those formerly constrained by the relations of feudalism. Now, property, including slaves, were turned into commodities in the service of the market. Thus the court rulings you report. Many believe we, at least in the USA, are entering into neo-feudal relations, as the rentier forces gain more influence, since we no longer actually produce anything other than the smoke and mirrors wealth of financialization.