Shows that to the extractive/colonial mindset, not much if any difference between lands 'out there' and DNA ' in here'. Good to know of Native BioData and their good works.
About that 2004 Havasupai case that settled in 2010, if I'm not mistaken the fine was a slap on the wrist, like $10,000. Not a deterrent to the bad conduct, especially considering the enormous monetary value they gained. Inviting repeat offenses.
TLH, i found your wordpress site and bookmarked it! Already looked at some good articles. Then saw mention of blue handbooks. Here's my site, doing writings/small press publishing for 20+ years, "
Shows that to the extractive/colonial mindset, not much if any difference between lands 'out there' and DNA ' in here'. Good to know of Native BioData and their good works.
Shows that to the extractive/colonial mindset, not much if any difference between lands 'out there' and DNA ' in here'. Good to know of Native BioData and their good works.
About that 2004 Havasupai case that settled in 2010, if I'm not mistaken the fine was a slap on the wrist, like $10,000. Not a deterrent to the bad conduct, especially considering the enormous monetary value they gained. Inviting repeat offenses.
Yup… legal penalties as a cost of doing business...
TLH, i found your wordpress site and bookmarked it! Already looked at some good articles. Then saw mention of blue handbooks. Here's my site, doing writings/small press publishing for 20+ years, "
Peter, when I first heard of this in 2003, it was in the documentary The Leech and The Earthworm.
I wrote a review:
Outraged but not surprised... glad to read an update
I know Debra Harry but didn't know this film. I would have linked to your article had I known!
It was a long time ago Peter. But we have to stay vigilant.
Shows that to the extractive/colonial mindset, not much if any difference between lands 'out there' and DNA ' in here'. Good to know of Native BioData and their good works.