Jun 22Liked by Peter d'Errico

An excellent and concise summation Peter! The question remains: How shall we deal with this archetypal Abrahamic narrative of domination which is embedded in the psyches and cultural patterns of millions of people? The inter-generational roots of that deadly and destructive narrative have had and continue to have real world consequences, which include the unending ecological devastation. Those consequences include massive suffering and misery. This has been and continues to be the outcome of powerful interest groups being able to use the claim of a right of domination cc as an organizing principle across the planet.

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Jun 22Liked by Peter d'Errico

This cuts to an important issue. The so-called repudiation of the Doctrine of Christian Discovery by the Vatican suggests they are not responsible for it. They claim that it is not a church doctrine but rather the manipulation of Papal Bulls by the imperial powers of Europe. But the facts are clear and you and Steven Newcomb have painstakingly gone beyond those Papal Bulls in the manifestation of this Christian doctrine. There is no way to backtrack the repeated interpretations of the Bible on this. To suggest the Doctrine of Christian Discovery is merely a misinterpretation of a few Papal Bulls is more than just disingenuous. It’s a sinful lie. This Pope needed to rescind the DOCD not just take a politically correct position on it!

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Indeed. And if the Vatican wanted to be less dishonest—even within its own terms—it would have to acknowledge that the denial of the national rights of the peoples of the Native Nations that its papal bulls initiated remains foundational to the property law of the United States (and many other countries) and its ongoing misconduct towards the Native Nations and these “secular” laws must be opposed by the Vatican on moral grounds if it is to truly repudiate the doctrine of Christian discovery

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Fascinating string of connect dots and about what seems the biggest dysfunctional family. With non-religious Kaballah, Yahweh is the divine personal spark and male archetype within each being, so it's a shame how that energy/awareness got so severely, violently twisted.

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Yes, 'divine personal spark': Compare the beautiful invocation in the opening lines of Schiller's poem that Beethoven set to music in his 9th: "Freude, schöner Götterfunken...." translated: "Joy, beautiful spark of the gods" (n.b., masculine declension of the adjective). I like to translate it as "beautiful Godspark" ....

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i like your poetic translation, gives a more direct feel into the spark, or sparking process, itself! Also could be Spirit-spark, as i sometimes literally feel that, whether a light-bulb idea or sudden burst of energy to get stuff done.

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Another great article, Peter. We've been discussing generational PTSD for decades, innit? The three related desert families/religions have collectively been responsible for so much hatred and violence throughout the world for millennia--perfectly reflecting the Patriarchal and violent nature of their "God', continuing today with no end in sight.

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yes... theological PTSD...

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Jun 25Liked by Peter d'Errico

Well said and then well read. I have been fascinated by the various insanities and how they grow and often die in cultures since reading as a teenager "Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds " by Charles Mackay. Humans evolve so slowly.

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