Thanks for posting that, yeah amazingly still so pertinent! Along with the madman as one "who thinks beyond his age", i would add: the ability to tune-in to guidance that can come out of 'nowhere' e.g. dreams and spirits, and from the natural world/Earth, Waters, Rocks, and so forth.
I knew him when I was a young lad. He was the dean at SIU where my father taught law, and he also came to share about Native tribes to my Boy Scout troop. Great thoughts.
"The task of breaking out of your time prison is a difficult if not impossible one. This is your challenge." What a great idea Mr. d"Errico
Thanks for posting that, yeah amazingly still so pertinent! Along with the madman as one "who thinks beyond his age", i would add: the ability to tune-in to guidance that can come out of 'nowhere' e.g. dreams and spirits, and from the natural world/Earth, Waters, Rocks, and so forth.
I knew him when I was a young lad. He was the dean at SIU where my father taught law, and he also came to share about Native tribes to my Boy Scout troop. Great thoughts.
good memories!
Sounds like he was a good teacher.
Our Scottish great grandmother:
"Truth forever on the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne."
We carry her sad words inside us but are they forever true?
Thomas Jefferson inspired by [1320] Scots #TreatyofArbroath
"The Earth belongs in usufruct to the living generation."
Now what.. Then what.