I so appreciate the passion you have for sharing the history, lives, and stories of Indigenous cultures and peoples. I had a passing knowledge of George Manuel, so this was a great read for me to learn more about him and his influence. And may his influence grow, expand, and ground itself into our hearts—we’ll need such visionary wisdom over the course of the next four years.
Yeah. No doubt. While you are here, Peter, do you have a book recommendation that you consider essential reading for those of us thirsting to learn more about Indigenous cultures native to this continent? I have a few—curious if you have something not on my radar and just as curious if we have similarities.
One genre you might want to look into is biography / autobiography; Bruce Johansen's Encyclopedia of Native American Biography may be helpful; David Brumble's American Indian Autobiography has a lot of references (not a collection like Johansen) [Brumble is in the Archive: https://archive.org/details/americanindianau0000brum ]; James Willard Schultz recounts his experiences among the Blackfoot [also in the Archive: https://archive.org/search?query=creator%3A%28willard%20schultz%29 ]; there's more, but this will get you started....
A hero for all time. This is a beautiful writing. I appreciate it at a time when it seems indigenous leaders have lost focus and their ambivalent towards the needs of their own people as it is obscured by political distractions of all types. Canada is still at war with indigenous nations as undrip is another landgrab with some neo-colonial intentions to usurp traditional governance and indigenous human rights. We need to stand together, repeal the doctrine of discovery and declare indigenous sovereignty. #youareonindianland
I so appreciate the passion you have for sharing the history, lives, and stories of Indigenous cultures and peoples. I had a passing knowledge of George Manuel, so this was a great read for me to learn more about him and his influence. And may his influence grow, expand, and ground itself into our hearts—we’ll need such visionary wisdom over the course of the next four years.
we’ll need it longer than that! :-)
Yeah. No doubt. While you are here, Peter, do you have a book recommendation that you consider essential reading for those of us thirsting to learn more about Indigenous cultures native to this continent? I have a few—curious if you have something not on my radar and just as curious if we have similarities.
have you seen my book? Federal Anti-Indian Law: The Legal Entrapment of Indigenous Peoples -- https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/federal-antiindian-law-9781440879210/ -- it's mostly law-related, but there's culture in it too...
One genre you might want to look into is biography / autobiography; Bruce Johansen's Encyclopedia of Native American Biography may be helpful; David Brumble's American Indian Autobiography has a lot of references (not a collection like Johansen) [Brumble is in the Archive: https://archive.org/details/americanindianau0000brum ]; James Willard Schultz recounts his experiences among the Blackfoot [also in the Archive: https://archive.org/search?query=creator%3A%28willard%20schultz%29 ]; there's more, but this will get you started....
This is exceptional Peter. Thank you for taking so much time and effort to provide this.
Hadn't heard of Manuel, so i appreciate your bringing awareness of his good works.
What a great man!
Sounds like a good leader.
A hero for all time. This is a beautiful writing. I appreciate it at a time when it seems indigenous leaders have lost focus and their ambivalent towards the needs of their own people as it is obscured by political distractions of all types. Canada is still at war with indigenous nations as undrip is another landgrab with some neo-colonial intentions to usurp traditional governance and indigenous human rights. We need to stand together, repeal the doctrine of discovery and declare indigenous sovereignty. #youareonindianland
You are spot on
Thank you for sharing