Feb 3Liked by Peter d'Errico

Brilliantly amazing and illuminating Peter! When we think of the Buffalo as being, in a sense, a distinct nation and people, then genocide, or the intention to destroy in whole or in part a distinct nation or people, was committed against the Buffalo nation, just as it was committed against all the original nations and peoples of this continent by the system of domination, which divides (ratio) itself into corporate “bodies” (the corpus (singular) or corpi (plural)). The term “person” in Latin means “mask,” and it becomes a means by which the people behind the “corporate person” are able to both Mask and Shield themselves while being protected by the State of Domination’s Sword of Sovereignty. Sovereignty (so-over-reign (rule)) is also a term which means domination. In this context, “progress” is a term used to reference how far the system of domination has moved geographically across the continent, or across the globe, for that matter, by means of the colonial and corporate process of dominating and exploiting everyone and everything for profit and power.

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Thanks Steve! Your analysis is also brilliantly amazing and illuminating!!

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Steve, "...how far the system of domination has moved geographically..." is a very helpful way to further understand the oft-used "progress", and cyber/tech is a kind of dis-embodied geography except that the products come from mining Earth, sometimes with slave labor. Also, your dissection of "sovereign" reminded me of the following interpretation of a Taoist phrase and associated practice: ""Wu Wei" or 'Nondoing' is one of Taoism's central Teachings. Actually pronounced (exactly as it MEANS) "Rue Reign," this 'nondoing' is certainly NOT inactivity.. but Doing without egoic reasons, which we word as Doing Nothing Much Personal. To 'rue' something means to REGRET or REPENT of it; and Rue Reign thus means a personal repentance of the tendency to "rule" or reign-over Reality.. a perfect description of the non-egoic life of a Sage." https://spirit-alembic.com/thou.html#text

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That's brilliant, Steven, your linkage of persons & masks.

on a tangent: I recently read an exposé on the weird way Venice was ruled; Venice being a port with no walls, and something of an early deep state in pristine (albeit rotten) form.

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Feb 5Liked by Peter d'Errico


*2024* Along with modern day ‘technology’, the us Corporate rights of personhood have advanced to a world wide militarized, monetized and monopolized 'lawful' incorporated kleptocracy. From war to education, the environment, water and air; Our entire Mother earth—all that is sacred—has ALL been devalued to a commodity to be exploited...value measured by profit margins alone!

One good example


Obamacare Created Big Medicine There’s a basic conflict of interest at the heart of American health care. We need to break up the industry to fix it.


*2024* the declaration of independence to this day decries ‘Merciless Indian Savages’ while corporate ‘persons’ lawfully and mercilessly spoil (as a noun and as a verb) all that that is life itself. Every exploitation is championed by the population because *in god they trust*. The trust in the dollar as being 'godlike' and 'god-sent' is so prevalent that the nation embellishes the almighty ‘dollar’ with 'In God We trust. Think Manifest destiny and the discovery doctrine.


Look At Us (Peltier and AIM Song) - John Trudell https://youtu.be/v5szsygmZmY



Hornaday quoted….At that time the whole country was a howling wilderness, and Indians and wild buffalo were too numerous to mention…..


Interestingly: To this year *2024*, folks believe and they are taught the lands were uninhabited and many indigenous peoples simply ‘disappeared’.


Extermination by the railroads was supplemented by a US policy of purging the country of both Native peoples and buffalo.


Native Bidaské with Mark Charles (Diné) on Abraham Lincoln and the Narrative of White Messiahship https://youtu.be/GbmBP3OdiC0


*2024* usa colonial capitalism ‘in god we trust’ proud and forever championed on the campaign trail...usa usa usa.

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Thanks for these comments and the links! John Trudell was a friend.... his work is hugely important... His songs are especially powerful...

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Feb 3·edited Feb 3Liked by Peter d'Errico

"At that time the whole country was a howling wilderness, and Indians and wild buffalo were too numerous to mention." Colourful language, yet a perfect placeholder for the dehumanizing 'terra null[i]us' imagery of yore.

Besides, it was no longer true, as that source asserts (even at the onset of the 19th century, so decades before 1881) that Indians were 'too numerous to mention.'

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PS Of course these remarks are in no way criticisms directed at you, Peter.

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Pim - I had no doubt about that. Your comments are an extension of my post!

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Fascinating time-frame connect dots of a key turning point! The 'soulless' seem always in a rush, the gold rushes being a prime example and nowadays lithium referred to as "white gold", plus Internet speed touted as progress. After the railroads, the gas, rubber and car corporations drove out (pardon the pun) the streetcars creating the basic blueprint for the American 'joyride' and mass exoduses to suburbia, fast-food forts, convenience stores (a far cry from hunting buffalo), road rage, etc. Also, when i first saw the title of this article i thought of individuals i.e. how individuals have taken on corporate personalities with the branding of skills/talents seen as routine marketing, and even some parents naming babies after luxury brands.

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yes.. more examples of colonized minds and lives...

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Feb 5Liked by Peter d'Errico


See: House bill HJR 54 the We The People Amendment



Move to Amend

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Do you know the Community Rights org?


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I had no idea corporate "personhood" went that far back. I was particularly interested in the Thacker Pass video, as I wrote an article about it a while back. Once again, we are running over indigenous people. Water use in this drought stricken region looks unsustainable to me. I calculated that over the life of the mine it would require 1.38 trillion gallons of water, a figure that I have since read elsewhere is on the low side. This will, like all mines, be an ecological disaster. https://geoffreydeihl.substack.com/p/showdown-at-thacker-pass

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To the point.👌

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https://www.popsci.com › technology › silicon-valley-utopian-city

Billionaire-backed company has bought all the land it needs for its ...

Nov 7, 2023<b>Billionaire-backed company has bought all the land it needs for its 'city of yesterday' After years of stealth purchases and the threat of a $510 million lawsuit against locals, California...

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Note: Re: Community rights, Knowing community rights and living in a 'community/county' that is right in line with the 45th presidents efforts--hate and All. Think texas and their willing to fight the federal government for their "community rights to self govern'. And realizing how corporations--with their armies and $money$--literally rule the entire world I have come to the conclusion that if We as The People want to live WE Must get to the root of our dysfunction! We are in deep deep trouble and Most don't seem to care....Instead they prefer incrementalism and backsliding.


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This was us https://cocrn.org › northern-colorado

Northern Colorado - Colorado Community Rights Network

Northern Colorado Community Rights Network (NOCOCRN) is dedicated to raising political awareness of the need for community rights to defend our communities from harms coming from corporations acting against us, and changing the law to get community rights recognized as legitimate legal

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I appreciate your kind words Peter!

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