Aug 21Liked by Peter d'Errico

Very interesting❤️❤️❤️

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After reading this it occurred to me that corporate personhood, as fake as it is, is a mask for real, greedy persons to hide behind, so thanks, Peter, for exposing some of their shenanigans. As to "and the affluence of the few supposes the indigence of the many..." has a correlation with the taking of resources, especially from Native lands, b/c the word "Indigenous", while widely used and accepted by many, is a reflection of "indigence", or as have heard a Native friend express it: Indigenous is like 'those poor people over there'.

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Well done, Peter, Well done!

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Sep 1Liked by Peter d'Errico

Brilliant to the core, Peter.

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Aug 12Liked by Peter d'Errico

Today my honey and I went to the capitol and shared lattes across from Lady liberty. The place we went Sources their beans mostly from small indigenous farmers and use locally sourced, organic ingredients. They are awesome. Before we went in, I noticed some easels and people sketching and painting the capitol. I was led to strike up a conversation with a lady. I suggested we should have an indigenous woman atop the. building instead of lady liberty, or better yet, change the legal structures to truly give back Indigenous Nations their full sovereignty so that it is true sovereignty and not the illusion of it, capable of bring taken from them at the government's whim. She said, "At least start by getting their water rights back and not taking more land away." I added about the mining issues. She agreed and said, "Someday." I mentioned I hope someday we ALL live in communities that collaborate in a fully voluntary way, and in a context whether Govs don't have the right to defend themselves for their own existence' sake - that they may only exist to the true extent that the people voluntarily give them power, consent that can be withdrawn without punishment, for that is what it means for the people to have the power to give and take the power from the government.

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You have strength to broach such a topic with a stranger! I'm pleased the conversation went as it did.

The suggestion to stop doing the 'taking' is actually the best answer to the usual question, "What can we do?" The answer is to stop doing.

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Aug 12Liked by Peter d'Errico

Thank you. For me there are other things I am working on overcoming my fear of…talking to strangers is easy. But to the point, what is the way to get the “stop taking” to happen in your view? Is there something that could go on a ballot? Everyone has their “vote no” signs out here in Wisconsin on changing the constitution Someone eve came to my door to encourage me to do so. We had a lovely conversation. I told her both sides are luciferian and we walked away sending each other love. It went well because I listened to my intuition, and although I wasn’t planning on talking to the election people this year, when my intuition told me to open the door (I was expecting food delivery, not election people) it turned out she was a vibe person, although our views were different, it was like if Steven came to my door. There are times I am led into situations that are uncomfortable like the one I had yesterday at the coffee shop that sucked, (good poetry came out of it, and perhaps the pot needed to be stirred) but usually when I listen it goes well. Anyway…Could we get a ballot measure to “stop taking” on there? What thoughts do you have on ending corporate personhood short the natural death of the corps-ration as it is maintained by Klaus Schwab, JP Morgan etc?

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Yes, intuition. The Great Mystery itself.

I'm skeptical about 'ballots' probably for the same reasons you told the woman at the door. The 'stop doing' is like a Zen teaching: 'don't just do something, sit there.' It's an invitation to pause and reflect, out of which some action may come. I get that question about 'what to do?' so often that it helps me center the conversation by giving pause to the constant urge to 'fix' things, to 'improve', to 'do good'. Think of all the disasters that have come from those impulses. When the conversation is refocused, it becomes possible to muse about all the different pieces of the structures of domination that are interlocked around 'taking' land. And from that, there can be awareness that is ready to act whenever some practical steps might appear.

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Lotta wisdom there. Thanks!

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Aug 11Liked by Peter d'Errico

Since everything you point out so astutely about corporations has been done in, through,.and with the direct assistance of so many existing institutions - legal, religious, political, educational, communicative - are you prepared, as I am, to pronounce humans a failure at self-governance, with the penalty for this lack of seriousness about any punishment of fascist elements being our extinction?

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it does seem like humans have a difficult time identifying their true interests... the obscuring of which is a major part of the program for those who seek control over others rather than balance within and around themselves....

As to punishment, it seems the collapse of every empire (and the ongoing collapse of the US empire) are examples of 'extinction'... out of whose ashes opportunity is available once again to find balance....

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I should say, 'identifying OUR true interests'.... for we are all in this together, throughout history....

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