Thanks for breaking down the stuff. And, "money is the universal equivalent" & "the "equality" of commodified human relations" speak volumes. Having pondered the general topic over the years, i realized that money speeds things up... and that can be helpful if something essential is needed for purchase, yet in general it warps consciousness and behavior because it encourages and accentuates the speed and efficiency of go here and there, buy this and that while overlooking asking if those activities are right-wise, in other words, are those choices and activities beneficial for the community? the local habitat? do they enhance the well-being of the natural law and the overall harmonious synchronicity of all beings? Or yet another simpler way to say it, with money one can buy peppers in a flash, yet to grow, then eat them, is a vastly different multi-dimensional experience.

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yes, speed… It’s weird to see all the ads for ‘speed’… ‘contactless’ credit cards, etc. ….

and yes, something akin to miraculous to grow food we eat...

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Amazing, and sadly 'contactless' a kind of metaphor for lack of human interactions in the screen world. And yeah the opposite of miraculous growing is, don't wait for it, fast-food.

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Jul 28Liked by Peter d'Errico

Corporations are the ultimate expression of amoral ultrasociality of humans, and thus are in complete control of the externalization of all ecocidal and sociocidal death and destruction. There is no way out, as the control extends to available institutions, including higher education. Thanks for fighting against it, but that war was lost decades ago.

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But as you say, the end of this ‘war’ is ‘death and destruction’… which means the ‘winners’ have already lost… no? … a bit like Midas and his ‘wealth’….

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Aug 7Liked by Peter d'Errico

Yes, thanks! for this amazing and rigorous analysis of how our fictive "corporate" beings took over the human world and are now temporarily in charge of our imaginations, our values and our individual and collective futures. It is quite useful, as I scratch my head trying to work out how the hell we got into such a planetary crisis, to see our earlier missteps.

It seems that the Anthropocene Epoch only lasted a few hundred years and now we are really into the AI fueled Corporocene? or Misanthropocene? Every thing and every action can be monetized and commodified, GDP'ed and then land-filled.

But every evolutionary blunder tends to eliminate itself, and corporate personhood is already beginning to look very unhealthy and unhappy.

It's too bad we missed the much earlier memo from King Midas,

but we will get to revisit it now.

There is wisdom and magic and mystery and love and creativity in the world that is still available in abundance for us to tap.

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Yes. Crucial to keep our focus on the bountiful mystery that surrounds and includes us.

Great line: the memo from king Midas!

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