There was a circle where people were talking about the harms of gossip, external and lateral violence. The Elders talked about the value, principles and actions of "Do No Harm". One Elder mentioned that she has never heard a disparaging word about another from her husband in their 40 years of marriage. She and her husband are both dear to me, and if you have ever heard him yell "move", you move, because its about warning of being in potential harms way, awareness of relational responsibility and the energy in the sound alone is understood even if you didn't know what "move" meant. Is this Intuition, extrasensory perception, instinct, common sense or natural intelligence? Love can be fierce.
Today the "power" of speech is willingly given away and unwillingly dominated, by how many people are following, listening, repeating, believing, selling and buying the speech. Speech has been commodified. This is a different kind of power than the speech of a hurricane, butterfly or a prayer song. To not listen and understand the speech of a hurricane is the devastating "cost" of an anthropocentric worldview.
Steve Newcomb taught us that the prefix and suffix of "dom" means domination. So, now, in my thinking "freedom of speech" means free domination of or over speech - to freely dominate the commons of speech, and there is a price tag one must be able to pay to "freely dominate". Spaces of speech commons are now bought and sold. Some spaces are to sell the promotion of violence and where objecting to the promotion of violence and violent speech is now called censorship. Mind us that speech is the expression of thought and some thoughts become actions. And there are "laws" protecting violent thoughts, speech and actions. My daddy called it "legalized murder". The doctrines and bulls are the papal thoughts that became laws into actions of domination over mind, body, emotion & spirit. “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” really? is that like "kill the Indian, save the man" ? at residential schools that are the only "schools" that have graveyards for children?
In the scheme of truthing and lying, truthing and lying have some things to work out about "free speech". How can we "free speech" without liberating thought? Where does thought come from?
How did it get here? Is thought intelligence? Humans have more than 5 senses.
In my dreaming, humanity will decide to become beauty way prayers in motion.
Going back to the words of some of the original settler-colonialists leaves out the true force that post-dates the Constitution and now controls speech, making it unfree- the corporations.
Good collating of quotes by the control-freaks who want to control the narrative and then some. For a long time i have pondered and continue applying one of the Buddha's 8-fold path, "right speech"; what that actually is, is another discussion, yet in general it's about being conscious of what's being said, how it's being said, and being mindful of the possible ramifications of what's said so as to help avoid saying something that leads to further complications. And sometimes 'no speech' is the right choice.
This is good. It is also worth mentioning those who are opposed—by virtue of their embrace of systematic mendacity—to the acceptance of the “rules of the game” on which free speech depends in social practice. There is a sense, as you well know, in which the foundations of U.S. property law are constituted by systematic mendacity but, for the most part, U.S. politicians seem to me to acknowledge truth as having value even as they are lying. This is less true of Trump than any other politician I know—he seems to care not at all for even the appearance of truth. While I do not know of a specific quote from Trump attacking freedom of speech—as distinct from attacking the Constitution as a whole—I would stress his systematic mendacity and willingness and ability to mobilize on the basis of his lies—as a particularly grave threat to freedom of speech:
Trump basically looks to the techno-mob to tell him who to put in his circle. Vance is basically a prop of Thielil/Palantir, which is who Facebook/google feeds our data to in order to censor us or if they have their druthers, inflict social credit scores. This is not a sides thing. I wish everyone see stop fighting and realize both sides want to maim, control, exploit and/or annihilate all but the few. Steven, you remember when the liberal party was the free speech party, right? I'd love to see someone run on a pro-free energy (not wind/solar/nuclear) pro-free speech, alternative to technocratic governance built on supporting sovereign communities within a larger framework of support where DARPA's budget goes to building homes for those who need them including our mentally ill veterans, and to supporting holistic universal health coverage that doesn't push vaccines.
If you want to suppress my freedom to speak
Then clearly the truth is not what you seek
Miss Information
Is clearly representing A story
That belongs in the fiction section
And why should those who gain the most from my silence
Be the ones to determine if I have a right to make an objection?
There was a circle where people were talking about the harms of gossip, external and lateral violence. The Elders talked about the value, principles and actions of "Do No Harm". One Elder mentioned that she has never heard a disparaging word about another from her husband in their 40 years of marriage. She and her husband are both dear to me, and if you have ever heard him yell "move", you move, because its about warning of being in potential harms way, awareness of relational responsibility and the energy in the sound alone is understood even if you didn't know what "move" meant. Is this Intuition, extrasensory perception, instinct, common sense or natural intelligence? Love can be fierce.
Today the "power" of speech is willingly given away and unwillingly dominated, by how many people are following, listening, repeating, believing, selling and buying the speech. Speech has been commodified. This is a different kind of power than the speech of a hurricane, butterfly or a prayer song. To not listen and understand the speech of a hurricane is the devastating "cost" of an anthropocentric worldview.
Steve Newcomb taught us that the prefix and suffix of "dom" means domination. So, now, in my thinking "freedom of speech" means free domination of or over speech - to freely dominate the commons of speech, and there is a price tag one must be able to pay to "freely dominate". Spaces of speech commons are now bought and sold. Some spaces are to sell the promotion of violence and where objecting to the promotion of violence and violent speech is now called censorship. Mind us that speech is the expression of thought and some thoughts become actions. And there are "laws" protecting violent thoughts, speech and actions. My daddy called it "legalized murder". The doctrines and bulls are the papal thoughts that became laws into actions of domination over mind, body, emotion & spirit. “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” really? is that like "kill the Indian, save the man" ? at residential schools that are the only "schools" that have graveyards for children?
In the scheme of truthing and lying, truthing and lying have some things to work out about "free speech". How can we "free speech" without liberating thought? Where does thought come from?
How did it get here? Is thought intelligence? Humans have more than 5 senses.
In my dreaming, humanity will decide to become beauty way prayers in motion.
Thank you for listening to my musings.
Going back to the words of some of the original settler-colonialists leaves out the true force that post-dates the Constitution and now controls speech, making it unfree- the corporations.
Good collating of quotes by the control-freaks who want to control the narrative and then some. For a long time i have pondered and continue applying one of the Buddha's 8-fold path, "right speech"; what that actually is, is another discussion, yet in general it's about being conscious of what's being said, how it's being said, and being mindful of the possible ramifications of what's said so as to help avoid saying something that leads to further complications. And sometimes 'no speech' is the right choice.
This is good. It is also worth mentioning those who are opposed—by virtue of their embrace of systematic mendacity—to the acceptance of the “rules of the game” on which free speech depends in social practice. There is a sense, as you well know, in which the foundations of U.S. property law are constituted by systematic mendacity but, for the most part, U.S. politicians seem to me to acknowledge truth as having value even as they are lying. This is less true of Trump than any other politician I know—he seems to care not at all for even the appearance of truth. While I do not know of a specific quote from Trump attacking freedom of speech—as distinct from attacking the Constitution as a whole—I would stress his systematic mendacity and willingness and ability to mobilize on the basis of his lies—as a particularly grave threat to freedom of speech:
On Vance and his techno connections. Also see Whitney's work on Jamie D of JP whom T is considering for Treasury
(did you like my rhyme?)
Trump basically looks to the techno-mob to tell him who to put in his circle. Vance is basically a prop of Thielil/Palantir, which is who Facebook/google feeds our data to in order to censor us or if they have their druthers, inflict social credit scores. This is not a sides thing. I wish everyone see stop fighting and realize both sides want to maim, control, exploit and/or annihilate all but the few. Steven, you remember when the liberal party was the free speech party, right? I'd love to see someone run on a pro-free energy (not wind/solar/nuclear) pro-free speech, alternative to technocratic governance built on supporting sovereign communities within a larger framework of support where DARPA's budget goes to building homes for those who need them including our mentally ill veterans, and to supporting holistic universal health coverage that doesn't push vaccines.