Peter, touching image, standing on the earth. I think what I meant is to ask, though it's really none of my business, is if you think there's any way the earth and its inhabitants; its forests, plants and animals; its oceans, rivers, and mountain ranges; as well as our destructive species, will make it thorough these multiple crises. Of course millions of humans and non humans have already not made it through. best, Cath
There are many stories of emergence from prior worlds, best known perhaps is Hopi. Also stories of destruction by flood, both Biblical and Indigenous stories. So I take it that the earth and everything else has been through end-times before. When i look out into the cosmos at night and see how much life exists — beyond understanding, really — I sense that we live in this cosmos, albeit on a small clump of planet, and that life on this planet is somehow part of an infinite present... living and dying turning into and out of each other. I still need to chop wood and carry water.... as my part in a dynamism ... "Taku Skan Skan" (Lakota) {see: }
excellent! This fits my friend Steve Newcomb's concept of "view from the ship": the colonizers' worldview, as contrasted with the "view from the shore": the Indigenous worldview. See:
Good article, thanks! Appreciated the 4th century reference. There's a book i've only glanced at but it goes into depth about what happened then, "A.D. 381: Heretics, Pagans, and the Christian State"
by Charles Freeman. Also, the "Come over and help us" pic is "Seal of the “Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts” with: Transiens Adiuva Nos [Come over and help us]." And see
Thanks for the references! You might also check out the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, which followed the Society's model. It sent the missionaries to Cherokee country that gave rise to the Worcester v. Georgia case.
I held the Eliot Indian Bible in my hands at Harvard’s Houghton Library. It was a surreal experience. I intend to go back and dig into this one day soon.
Yes. And Jessie Little Doe Baird has turned that Bible around into a tool for reviving Wampanoag language speakers. See: - Wôpanâak Language Reclamation Project
The fact that we are revealing the Biblical domination framework runs afoul of a 1610 royal proclamation …by James I, deploring the “unsatiable curiosity in many men's spirits,” the “itching in the tongues and pens” that led them to speculate on the “very highest mysteries in the Godhead” and to “wade in all the deepest mysteries that belong to the persons or state of kings.”
The target of James’ wrath was a law dictionary. He ordered that all copies were to be burned by the public hangman.
In 1616, James told the Star Chamber:
“I commend vnto your speciall care…to blunt the sharpe edge and vaine popular humour of some Lawyers….
“The mysterie of the Kings power is not lawfull to be disputed; for that is to wade into the weaknesse of Princes, and to take away the mysticall reuerence….
“It is Athiesme and blasphemie to dispute what God can doe: good Christians content themselues with his will reuealed in his word, so, it is presumption and high contempt in a Subiect, to dispute what a King can doe….”
Secrecy is the prerogative of the state. Surely fits in with today, yesterday, farther back, and the future. But there's not much mystery; the kings want to make war on innocents and blame them; create weapons of death and destruction and call it defense. Peter, are you an optimist, or not? Catherine
Catherine - I've been thinking more about your question.... It seems to me a certain kind of optimism emerges from seeing the long history of state 'prerogative'... an optimism that the problem is not 'human nature' but the nature of the state.... and a complementary pessimism about state promises to 'change'....
Well, I have optimistic and pessimistic feelings & thoughts.... As those whirl through me, I focus on standing on the Earth, being part of all that is and has been and will be. Maybe that's a fundamental optimism.
Peter, touching image, standing on the earth. I think what I meant is to ask, though it's really none of my business, is if you think there's any way the earth and its inhabitants; its forests, plants and animals; its oceans, rivers, and mountain ranges; as well as our destructive species, will make it thorough these multiple crises. Of course millions of humans and non humans have already not made it through. best, Cath
There are many stories of emergence from prior worlds, best known perhaps is Hopi. Also stories of destruction by flood, both Biblical and Indigenous stories. So I take it that the earth and everything else has been through end-times before. When i look out into the cosmos at night and see how much life exists — beyond understanding, really — I sense that we live in this cosmos, albeit on a small clump of planet, and that life on this planet is somehow part of an infinite present... living and dying turning into and out of each other. I still need to chop wood and carry water.... as my part in a dynamism ... "Taku Skan Skan" (Lakota) {see: }
here's link to see the Seal in which also notable is how the Sun is shining on the colonizers
excellent! This fits my friend Steve Newcomb's concept of "view from the ship": the colonizers' worldview, as contrasted with the "view from the shore": the Indigenous worldview. See:
Good article, thanks! Appreciated the 4th century reference. There's a book i've only glanced at but it goes into depth about what happened then, "A.D. 381: Heretics, Pagans, and the Christian State"
by Charles Freeman. Also, the "Come over and help us" pic is "Seal of the “Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts” with: Transiens Adiuva Nos [Come over and help us]." And see
& “Society for Propagating the Gospel seal” https://
& see “Society For the Propagation of the Gospel in ForeignParts”
Thanks for the references! You might also check out the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, which followed the Society's model. It sent the missionaries to Cherokee country that gave rise to the Worcester v. Georgia case.
I held the Eliot Indian Bible in my hands at Harvard’s Houghton Library. It was a surreal experience. I intend to go back and dig into this one day soon.
Yes. And Jessie Little Doe Baird has turned that Bible around into a tool for reviving Wampanoag language speakers. See: - Wôpanâak Language Reclamation Project
This is happening elsewhere, too, I read. It makes me so joyful and at the same time so angry that it is necessary.
Absolutely incredible. Thanks for the link!
Itching in the Tongues and Pens”
The fact that we are revealing the Biblical domination framework runs afoul of a 1610 royal proclamation …by James I, deploring the “unsatiable curiosity in many men's spirits,” the “itching in the tongues and pens” that led them to speculate on the “very highest mysteries in the Godhead” and to “wade in all the deepest mysteries that belong to the persons or state of kings.”
The target of James’ wrath was a law dictionary. He ordered that all copies were to be burned by the public hangman.
In 1616, James told the Star Chamber:
“I commend vnto your speciall care…to blunt the sharpe edge and vaine popular humour of some Lawyers….
“The mysterie of the Kings power is not lawfull to be disputed; for that is to wade into the weaknesse of Princes, and to take away the mysticall reuerence….
“It is Athiesme and blasphemie to dispute what God can doe: good Christians content themselues with his will reuealed in his word, so, it is presumption and high contempt in a Subiect, to dispute what a King can doe….”
Secrecy is the prerogative of the state. Surely fits in with today, yesterday, farther back, and the future. But there's not much mystery; the kings want to make war on innocents and blame them; create weapons of death and destruction and call it defense. Peter, are you an optimist, or not? Catherine
Catherine - I've been thinking more about your question.... It seems to me a certain kind of optimism emerges from seeing the long history of state 'prerogative'... an optimism that the problem is not 'human nature' but the nature of the state.... and a complementary pessimism about state promises to 'change'....
Well, I have optimistic and pessimistic feelings & thoughts.... As those whirl through me, I focus on standing on the Earth, being part of all that is and has been and will be. Maybe that's a fundamental optimism.
Thank you for this article on the Doctrine of Discovery. Very fine historical information. Catherine Podojil in Cleveland Heights, Ohio
I'm glad you found it useful! I had fun discovering James I's statement about "itching tongues and pens"... 😁