May 21Liked by Peter d'Errico

Greetings Peter: What a fantastic, beautiful first hand story that illustrates the inauthentic facade that goes by the name “mass media.” I love your brilliant ability to make the ludicrous hysterically funny, while at the same time making the profound nature of the Elders’ protocols, and deep wisdom and connection with the Earth so evident. You did a great job of communicating your own and your family’s connection with the People. Thanks for this amazing and gifted substack post. I love the photo of you and Angela.

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May 21Liked by Peter d'Errico

Love these reflections! And I also appreciated the balance of humor, compassion and attention to nuance and where the attention needed to be placed, especially on the clarity of both the individual, personal ownership over co-opted group think and the authentic "one mind" when the people resonate with a truth spoken by a leader and need not detract from it by speaking further. Blessings to you! Thank you for all your beautiful works in this word and beyond. <3

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Liked by Peter d'Errico

I am blown away reading this!

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Jun 1Liked by Peter d'Errico

Thank you very much for your story. I was very immpressed and surprised that you told so many things in this story.

To tell the truth ,I didn't know exactly the "Big Mountain" in 1986 .I tried to undestand the detail of the truth.for that ,I read some articles and watch youtube. I know the" fabrication of mass media "in japan about Ainu . You showed the same things here. I also enjoied your picture. Peter see you again soon!

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May 22Liked by Peter d'Errico

Thank you. I admire the relationship the indigenous people have with Mother Earth

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Thanks for this, Peter. We were writing songs and editorials during that time and Grandpa David was a big part of our lives. These are the storie of our lives and they too need documentation. You have always taken that to heart and our family is grateful.

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May 21Liked by Peter d'Errico

Excellent, well put! I wish those with the little intelligence they have,would use it to question their reality. I’m not confident. I’ve seen stupid. It’s everywhere. Just like the face.

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Jun 9Liked by Peter d'Errico

Dear Peter, it's been some years we met at Leverett at the celebration of my dear teacher Dan Bennett. thanks a lot for your insightful substack pieces, and especially for this expose of the inherent ideological biases of mainstream mass media. a vivid and powerful indictment. will be tuning in often. best, Thomas

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greetings Thomas! I remember our meeting ... and Dan is a constant presence for me... Thanks for your note

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May 24Liked by Peter d'Errico

I remember sitting in class about 28 years ago, you asked us to try and remember any dreams that might come up. As I recall, you explained you had a dream where you were floating down a river. For whatever reason I didn’t have anything come up during those days.

However, I was recently in a dreamlike state walking along a path, near a lake - when a very large Robin, maybe 3 ft tall and 100 lbs was watching me.

Exhausted about life, I found myself asking the Robin for help living this life. Seconds later I found my insides being eaten by the bird. It didn’t hurt, but knowing I was being gorged. It wasn’t scary. I didn’t feel bad at all. I hope the meaning was positive for change.

might seem like I’m trying to sound interesting. I’m not , but when I think about it, I never forgot this particular assignment for some reason , although late.

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thanks for the memory! ...just last night I dreamed a whole series of events that circled around 'narrative'... and woke me with thoughts of what I may write in the near future...

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May 21Liked by Peter d'Errico

Just watched the video. The Elders have so much to teach us if only we’d listen.


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Agree, or the current cool phrase "100 percent".

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May 21Liked by Peter d'Errico

This is the most powerful and beautiful and heartbreaking and also hopeful piece I've seen you write...because it allows us to see transparently, it allows us also to be of one mind with Grandfather David - and with your beautiful soul family.

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Thanks Alicia - This piece marks a shift toward writing from my heart... instead of academic / legal analysis ...

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May 21Liked by Peter d'Errico

Also, I'm almost done with your book. And it does lead me back to the same conclusion that the only way to make a change IS from a change of heart...a change of mind is part of that but the fuel is the heart!

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May 21Liked by Peter d'Errico

I feel it and it resonates.

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Divide & Rule, always their trick of the trade (market). Appreciate the stories and great video reminder. Agree about the "show", as in my 2016 essay, wrote" "In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, people saw a shadow play on the wall and perceived it as reality. Today that Cave has morphed to provide umpteen TV channels and mini-screen gadgets; and the once sanctified living room cave has expanded into a free-range bubble of consciousness – heads bowed before an electronic altar, seemingly oblivious to the outside world. “The "panopticon" refers to an experimental laboratory of power in which behaviour could be modified, and Foucault viewed the panopticon as a symbol of the disciplinary society of surveillance.” In Plato's E-Cave, not only are the people watching a shadow play, they, and the shadows they watch, are being watched." (from "Media, Mind-Control, & Meditation: Plato’s E-Cave Panopticon and Beyond")

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we're definitely walking the same path...

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For a span of years, have read/heard others mention the Cave allegory so it's a virtual clan :). And rest up, takes a lot of energy to move as such. Best of luck and enjoyment where you now at!

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Absolutely brilliant story - so thoughtfully written. I would love to speak to you Peter and get to know you - I am in NYC - and have had businesses all over the world in indigenous areas on every continent - I love them. 917 742 0158

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just moved across country... resting and unpacking... very busy with these 'real life' events! :-)

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